Why Did the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Embrace Islam?
Dec 11, 20243 min read
One of the most frequently asked questions about Islam is, “What is the strongest proof for its truth?” The answer to this question often depends on the individual’s perspective and background. This principle also applied to the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Different companions embraced Islam for different reasons, shaped by their unique experiences, knowledge, and interactions with the Prophet and his message.
Knowledge of Previous Scriptures
For some companions, the descriptions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in earlier scriptures were compelling proof of his prophethood. Abdullah ibn Salam, a Jewish scholar, embraced Islam after recognising in the Prophet the signs and characteristics foretold in the Torah. Similarly, Salman al-Farsi, a seeker of truth who traveled far and wide in search of the true religion, found confirmation in the descriptions of the final Prophet found in Christian texts and teachings. For these companions, the congruence between previous revelations and the life of the Prophet was undeniable evidence of his divine mission.
Interestingly there were Jewish tribes who moved to Medina believing that a prophet would arise and be welcomes into that very city, a prophecy fulfilled.
The Miraculous Beauty of the Quran
Others were drawn to Islam through the Quran, a book whose eloquence and profundity left even the greatest poets of Arabia in awe. In a society that prized poetry and linguistic mastery, the Quran’s unmatched style, depth, and rhythm were beyond human capability. For example, Al-Tufayl ibn Amr, a renowned poet, was initially cautious about Islam due to the warnings of the Quraysh. However, upon hearing the Quran directly, he was overwhelmed by its beauty and depth, which he immediately recognised as divine. Unais, the brother of Abu Hurairah and himself a poet, was similarly convinced of the Quran’s divine origin upon hearing its verses.
The Quran’s ability to address profound theological truths, human psychology, and the natural world in a manner that resonated with hearts and minds was transformative. Its impact on the people of Arabia, particularly those who understood its linguistic nuances, was unparalleled.
The Fulfilment of Prophecies
For many companions, the fulfilment of prophecies was a decisive factor in their conversion. The Quran’s prediction of the Roman Empire’s victory over the Persians after a period of defeat, as mentioned in Surah Ar-Rum, is a notable example. This prophecy came to pass precisely as foretold, strengthening the faith of many, including Niyar ibn Mukram. Such accurate predictions demonstrated that the Quran was not the work of an ordinary human but rather a revelation from the All-Knowing Creator.
The Prophet’s Miracles
Beyond the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) performed numerous miracles that convinced skeptics of his prophethood. These included the splitting of the moon, the gushing of water from his fingers, and the increase of food to feed multitudes. Witnessing such extraordinary events firsthand left many companions with no doubt about his prophethood.
The Prophet’s Impeccable Character
Perhaps the most compelling reason for many was the unparalleled character of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was known as Al-Amin (the Trustworthy) even before his prophethood, and his honesty, compassion, and integrity were evident to all who interacted with him. Companions like Khadijah, Abu Bakr, and Umar ibn al-Khattab were deeply moved by his sincerity, wisdom, and steadfastness. His ability to forgive even his staunchest enemies, his concern for the downtrodden, and his humility despite his growing influence endeared him to those around him.
A Message for All Backgrounds
The beauty of Islam lies in its universal appeal. It speaks to the scholar through its knowledge, to the poet through its eloquence, to the skeptic through its evidence, and to the seeker through its simplicity and depth. The companions of the Prophet embraced Islam for reasons as varied as their own personal journeys, showing that Islam’s message resonates with all who approach it with an open heart and mind.