Why Islam?
The decision to follow any religious faith, including Islam, is a deeply personal and complex one. People choose to be Muslims for a variety of reasons, and these reasons can vary from individual to individual. Here are some common reasons that people may choose to embrace Islam:
1. Spiritual Beliefs: Many individuals are drawn to Islam due to its spiritual teachings and beliefs. They find a sense of purpose, meaning, and connection to the divine through the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad's example.
2. Monotheism: Islam emphasizes the belief in the oneness of God (Tawheed). For those who are attracted to monotheistic beliefs, Islam provides a clear and uncompromising monotheistic framework.
3. Guidance for Life: Islam offers a comprehensive framework for living a righteous and ethical life. The teachings of Islam cover various aspects of life, including personal conduct, relationships, morality, and social justice.
4. Community and Belonging: Being part of a religious community can provide a sense of belonging and support. Many people are attracted to the strong sense of community and solidarity found within the Muslim ummah (community).
5. Seeking Answers: Some individuals turn to Islam in their quest for answers to life's fundamental questions, such as the purpose of existence, the afterlife, and the nature of good and evil.
6. Intellectual Appeal: Some individuals are drawn to the intellectual depth of Islamic philosophy, theology, and jurisprudence. They may find the academic exploration of Islamic thought to be intellectually stimulating.
7. Seeking Peace and Tranquility: The emphasis on prayer, mindfulness, and seeking inner peace through a strong connection with God can attract individuals who are seeking tranquility and a deeper sense of purpose in life.
8. Social Justice and Ethics: Islam places a strong emphasis on social justice, compassion, and helping those in need. People who are passionate about making a positive impact on society may be drawn to these principles.
9. Conversion through Personal Experience: Some people have personal experiences or encounters that lead them to embrace Islam. These experiences can range from dreams and visions to life-changing events that make them reevaluate their beliefs.
It's important to note that individuals' reasons for embracing Islam can be highly personal and unique. Ultimately, the decision to become a Muslim is a deeply spiritual and individual choice that should be made after careful consideration and reflection. If you're interested in learning more about Islam, its teachings, and its significance, consider engaging in respectful conversations with Muslims, reading the Quran, and studying reputable sources on Islamic theology and practice.
Islam is considered true due to the religious teachings, scriptures, and beliefs that they hold dear. Muslims believe that Islam is the final revelation from God to humanity, as conveyed through the Prophet Muhammad and recorded in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. This belief forms the basis for our conviction that Islam is the true path to understanding and connecting with God.
Furthermore, the concept of truth in religious contexts can be diverse and multifaceted, encompassing not only theological beliefs but also ethical principles, social values, cultural practices, and a sense of belonging within a community.
Was Adam (pbuh) a Muslim?
The literal and lexical meaning of Islam means submission. Islam comes from the root Arabic letters s-l-m which are the same root letters the word peace (salam) comes from. The term Islam itself does not mean peace, but it implies that one finds peace (salam) through submission (islam). Therefore as Muslims we believe that Adam and Eve were Muslims as they submitted to Allah alone. The Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was later sent as the final messenger, being in effect the seal of the prophets.
Is the Quran the word of God?
Muslims believe that the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril in Arabic) over a period of approximately 23 years. It is viewed as the ultimate source of guidance, law, and moral principles for Muslims.
The Quran itself states that it is the word of God. Muslims believe that the Quran is unaltered and unchanged from the time of its revelation and that it is preserved in its original language (arabic) and form. The Quran's importance in Islam cannot be overstated; it serves as a comprehensive guide for all aspects of life, including spirituality, morality, law, and social interactions.
The belief in the divine origin of the Quran is a fundamental aspect of Islamic faith, and it is central to the lives of Muslims around the world. Learn more about the Arabic language here.
Why is the Quran considered the truth?
The Quran is considered a miracle and the truth in Islam for several reasons:
1. Inimitability of its Language (I'jaz al-Quran): One of the primary reasons the Quran is considered a miracle is its unparalleled linguistic beauty and eloquence in the Arabic language. Learn Arabic here. Muslims believe that the Quran's style and composition are beyond human ability and cannot be replicated. This belief is grounded in the idea that God's revelation is a unique and extraordinary form of communication that transcends human capabilities. Learn more about this here.
2. Challenges to Reproduce: The Quran itself challenges people to produce even a single chapter (surah) or verse (ayah) similar to its style and content. This challenge is mentioned in the Quran in multiple places (e.g., Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:23). Muslims view the fact that no one has been able to meet this challenge as evidence of the Quran's miraculous nature.
3. Scientific and Knowledge Content: The Quran contains statements that Muslims believe accurately describe natural phenomena and scientific facts that were not known at the time of its revelation. While the Quran is not primarily a scientific textbook, Muslims see its accurate descriptions of natural processes as a sign of divine knowledge. Learn more here.
4. Prophecies: The Quran contains prophecies about future events that have come to pass. For example, it predicts the victory of the Byzantines over the Persians (Surah Ar-Rum, 30:2-4), which was realized a few years after the revelation. Muslims see these fulfilled prophecies as evidence of the Quran's divine origin. Learn more here.
5. Consistency and Coherence: Despite being revealed over a period of approximately 23 years, the Quran maintains a consistent message and theme throughout. Muslims view this coherence as evidence of the divine authorship of the Quran.
6. Impact on Society: The Quran's teachings have had a profound impact on societies throughout history. It has inspired countless individuals to change their lives, promote social justice, and contribute positively to their communities. This impact is seen as a testament to the Quran's miraculous ability to transform lives.
7. Guidance and Wisdom: Muslims find deep wisdom, guidance, and moral teachings in the Quran that address the complexities of human life and provide answers to profound questions about existence, purpose, and morality. Learn more here.
In summary, Muslims view the Quran as a miracle due to its linguistic excellence, its challenges to human capability, its accurate knowledge content, fulfilled prophecies, consistency, impact on society, and its profound guidance. This belief in the miraculous nature of the Quran is central to Islamic faith.
Further learning: (PDF of Book) https://iiit.org/wp-content/uploads/Miraculous-Language-of-the-Quran.pdf,
(Video Presentations) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6VU9_TLmvk&ab_channel=SCDawahChannel,
(Article) https://yaqeeninstitute.ca/mohammad-elshinawy/the-inimitable-quran-the-revelation-to-prophet-muhammad, (Short 2m Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge9XxfiZzhs&list=PLsdT_5k9wPhH-Ezh07KWEDfp8dKy4dcKf&index=11&ab_channel=FaridResponds,
(Short 5m Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiyHESRE_mo&list=PLsdT_5k9wPhH-Ezh07KWEDfp8dKy4dcKf&index=17&ab_channel=FaridResponds
Miracles of the Quran: https://www.miracles-of-quran.com/index.html
The Miraculous Nature Of The Quran: https://www.imamghazali.org/blog/miracles-quran
Why Is There One Uncreated Cause For Everything?
"Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]?" [52:35]
If you start by looking at yourself, you were born. That means, you had a cause before you: your parents. Then, your parents each had a cause. Then, again there was a cause.
Everything that began to exist has a cause. And that cause (if it began to exist) has a cause. This chain of causes goes on. There are two possibilities: the chain ends, or the chain goes on forever endlessly.
The second (which is known as the infinite regress) is absurd, because for anything to exist, the cause before it needs to exist and there is no end to the causes with no point of origin that didn't require a cause.
As for the other possibility, it is that the chain of causes ends at one point: the ultimate cause that always existed and never had a beginning; so it doesn't need a cause before it. This ultimate cause is called God. He is Allah.
Why Is That Uncreated Cause God?
"How could He not know His Own creation? For He ˹alone˺ is the Most Subtle, All-Aware." [Quran 67:14]
Someone might say: Why do you believe the first cause is God? Why can't it just be inanimate? Couldn't it just be the universe itself?
An inanimate object, by definition, cannot do anything by itself. An inanimate object needs an outsider to push it to do something. As the first cause, there is no outsider to push anything. So, the first cause cannot be inanimate, because the cause did something with no outside influence. Hence, He is a being with a will and knowledge.
We know the First Cause is powerful because He had the power to create the universe and design it.
In summary: Something cannot come from nothing, and something cannot create itself. So, obviously, the universe and we must have had a creator. Everything you see around you is a sign for that creator. That creator is God, and we wish to find His religion.
Allah in the Quran and the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the ahadith contain many prophecies. All of them came true, several yet to occur and none of them were ever wrong. For example, the Quran predicted the victory of the Romans over the Persians, at a time when the Roman Empire was close to breaking down, including the exact location this battle would occur. Additionally, the Prophet (PBUH) predicted that the Bedouins would start competing in building tall buildings, and that is what we see today in the Middle East.
Some more prophecies listed in brief all of which came to pass after the Prophet (PBUH)'s death:
- That the Muslims would conquer Syria and Persia.
- That there would no longer be a Sassanian king after that time.
- That both Umar (RA) and Uthman (RA) would die as martyrs.
- That the Muslims would conquer Jerusalem after his death. (predicted when the Prophet was living in a leather tent! Imagine the audacity of these statements.), then a large plague would occur (Plague of Amwas), then the Muslims would be blessed with a lot of prosperity and wealth (happened in the reign of the caliph Uthman), then there would be a large fitnah and bloodshed affecting all the Arabs (The first fitna after the assassination of Uthman).
- That Ammar ibn Yasir (RA) would be killed by a rebelling group.
- That a time will come when the Ummah will make naval expeditions and hold power in the sea. To a people who were generally terrified of the sea due to myths created over the years, this was unfathomable.
- That the Muslims would conquer the unconquerable city Constantinople with a great army.
Other sources: (Article) https://yaqeeninstitute.ca/mohammad-elshinawy/the-prophecies-of-prophet-muhammad,
(1h Lecture) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJeqQ2yLIvs,
(101 Prophecies) https://www.provingislam.com/proofs/101-fulfilled-prophecies-1
Proofs Of The Prophethood of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsdT_5k9wPhH-Ezh07KWEDfp8dKy4dcKf
Miraculous knowledge
Allah in the Quran and the Prophet (SAW) demonstrated knowledge not possible to an Arab at that place and time without divine knowledge. For example, Allah in the Quran refers to the king at the time of Yusuf (AS) as "king" rather than Pharaoh; while the Bible refers to him as a Pharaoh. If the Prophet had been copying from the Bible, he would have done the same. But, now we know according to a historical record that the ruler of Egypt at the time of Yusuf (AS) was not a Pharaoh.
The Prophet (SAW) talked about how Arabia used to be rivers and gardens in the past and will return to such a state in the future. We only know that Arabia actually used to have rivers due to modern geology and science. Such knowledge was only possible to know due to God.
Other reads and sources:
https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/4713562/Books/POP_Book_FINAL.pdf (proofs of prophethood)
Why Are There Other Religions If Islam Is True?
And mankind was not but one community [united in religion], but [then] they differed. And if not for a word that preceded from your Lord, it would have been judged between them [immediately] concerning that over which they differ. [10:19]
Allah periodically sent messengers throughout history, but He never forced people to stay upon truth. He gave them free will. That is why people corrupted and made mistakes forming many different religions.
Does The Existence Of Many Religions Mean Only One Can Be True?
The logic in this is questionable, as anyone can see. The existence of many false claimants to something does not mean a true one does not exist. You simply need to follow the evidence and determine what is true.
Why Doesn't Everyone Believe In Islam If It Is True?
And We have truly set forth every ˹kind of˺ lesson for humanity in this Quran, yet most people persist in disbelief. [17:89]
Although the proofs and evidences of God and Islam are evident and clear, there is a human element to accepting them. Sincerity and an honest desire to know the truth and to submit to the truth once it is found. Someone who looks with sincerity, will eventually accept Islam. In addition to that, there are often logical problems, contradictions, and inconsistencies in their theologies and religious books. Some of them state there are multiple gods and other illogical statements.
Why Is Polytheism False?
Had there been within the heavens and earth gods besides Allah, both would have been ruined. (Quran 21:22]
Polytheism is defined as the belief in more than one God.
1. There can never truly be more than one God, because there is only one uncreated cause. The uncreated cause is, by definition, perfect and complete and pure. Say, there were two of them, what differentiates between the two? If anything differentiates between them, that means one of them is less perfect or not perfect. Hence, that one cannot be an uncreated cause.
2. Any other "gods" after are just stronger beings at most. They are not truly God. There is no need for one to care about worshiping beings that are also created.
3. The fact that the universe works in a stable manner with consistent rules removes the possibility of two separate powers controlling it.
4. The proof of one God and Islam is provided above. The idolatrous religions never provide useful proofs of the existence of their gods other than legends and traditions.